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Pivot Chart JavaScript UI widget for web developers

Add a pure JavaScript Pivot Chart to your enterprise web app by writing 5 lines of code


1. Data visualization

Extract and display the most significant information from complex data sets. Analyze, research and compare complex data with ease.

Why use JS Pivot Chart?

Easy backend integration

Explicit Integration with PHP, Node.js, Golang and .NET.

Cross platform and browser support

Support of All Modern browsers.

Easy frontend integration

Сan work with all modern frameworks. You can use it standalone or inside the React of an Angular app.


All elements can be adjusted through API, without need to edit anything in source codes (which are provided by the way).

Advanced Chart features for your JavaScript web apps


Find and display specific data using various filters.


Show and hide charts in one click.


Change the order of PivotChart rows and columns by dragging configuration window elements, adding custom configurations.


Choose the chart type you like.


Create and apply structures to instantly change the appearance of charts.

JavaScript Pivot Chart live demo

Configure Pivot
Click to load structure
GDP/Oil by forms/countries/years
Oil by forms/continents
Balance by years/forms/continents
Balance, GDP, Oil by years/forms
Balance, GDP, Oil by countries/years