Webix 10.3: new features for Chat, Report Manager, Diagram, Spreadsheet, Pivot and Scheduler Read More

코드를 적게 작성하여 정말 사랑스러운 애플리케이션을 만드는 시간을 절약하세요

코드를 보려면 숫자를 클릭하세요

Webix demo

추가 구성 요소: 복잡한 JavaScript UI 위젯

Pivot widget

JavaScript 피벗은 잘 정리된 시각적 테이블 보고서와 데이터의 시각적 표현을 위한 것입니다.

  • 합계 세기, 필터, 읽기 전용 모드
  • 라인 내부 및 외부 데이터 지원
  • 데이터 가능/차트 및 구성 창
  • 피벗 차트의 로그 척도
더 알아보기

JavaScript 칸반 보드는 진행 중인 작업을 보고 태스크에서 솔루션에 이르는 과정을 제어할 수 있는 도구입니다.

  • 열 및 행 수 제한 없음
  • HTML 템플릿을 통한 사용자 지정
  • 물결선 기능
  • 칸반 패널 확장 또는 축소
더 알아보기
SpreadSheet widget

JavaScript 스프레드시트는 엑셀을 웹 앱에 시트처럼 통합하고 온라인 데이터로 작업할 수 있는 복잡한 위젯입니다.

  • 데이터 묶기 및 검증
  • 정렬 및 필터링
  • 사용자 지정 스타일링
  • 수학 함수
더 알아보기
파일 관리자
Filemanager widget

JavaScript File Manager는 계층적 데이터를 관리하고 사용자에게 친숙한 방식으로 계층적 데이터를 탐색할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

  • 복사/붙여넣기, 이름 바꾸기, 파일 및 폴더 삭제
  • 계층 데이터를 사용하여 작업
  • 유연한 레이아웃 포함
  • 끌어서 놓기 기능
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모바일 스케줄러
Scheduler widget

JavaScript Mobile Scheduler는 모든 종류의 모바일 기기에서 매일, 매주, 매월 이벤트를 표시, 생성 및 관리하기 위한 모든 기능을 갖춘 도구입니다.

  • 다일 이벤트 또는 약속 반복 지원
  • 언어, 시간 및 지역 현지화
  • 날짜 형식, 요소, 도구 모음 사용자 지정
  • iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry 등 모든 운영 시스템용.
더 알아보기

Webix UI 라이브러리를 왜 사용해야 하나?

이해 가능한 논리

Webix JS 프레임워크를 사용하면 객체 지향 프로그래밍 개념을 기반으로 하는 우아하고 가벼운 코드를 얻을 수 있습니다.

JavaScript 프레임워크 및 라이브러리 통합

프로젝트를 jQuery JavaScript 라이브러리, MVC 프레임워크 AngularJS, React, Vue.js, Backbone.js, 타사 UI 확장과 연결합니다.

빅 데이터셋을 위한 빠른 성능

페이징 및 동적 로딩 중 대량의 데이터 표, 트리, 목록 등을 사용하는 경우에도 웹 응용 프로그램이 빠르게 작동합니다.

교차 플랫폼 및 브라우저 지원

모든 주요 브라우저에서 작동하는 터치 스크린 인터페이스를 통해 데스크톱, 태블릿 및 스마트폰용 HTML5 웹 애플리케이션을 구축합니다.

순수 JavaScript

HTML5 구성 요소의 즉각적인 업데이트로 인한 애니메이션 또는 대화형 대시보드를 위한 전체 고객 측 솔루션.

웹 접근성

HTML5 UI 라이브러리는 WAI-ARIA 표준을 충족하고 보조 기술이 필요한 사용자를 위한 접근성 지원을 추가합니다.

간단한 서버 측 상호 작용

모든 백엔드 기술은 Java, PHP, .NET용 솔루션을 사용하는 것 외에 JavaScript UI 프레임워크와 통신할 수 있습니다.

무제한 확장성

사용 가능한 구성 요소를 사용자 정의하고 새 구성 요소를 생성하면 기능 손실 없이 모든 구성 요소의 옵션을 수정할 수 있습니다.

Webix 탐색하기

JavaScript library

JavaScript UI 컨트롤 및 위젯 라이브러리

Webix 99 이상의 UI 구성 요소를 사용하여 웹 개발 프로세스의 속도를 높이고 프로그래머의 작업 부하를 줄입니다.

JavaScript framework

Webix Jet

단일 페이지 애플리케이션 개발을 위해 밝고 사용하기 쉬운 Micro Framework 사용

lessons and tutorials

Webix 과정 및 사용 지침

Webix JavaScript 라이브러리를 쉽고 빠르게 검색할 수 있습니다.

지금 바로 놀라운 프런트 엔드 여행을 시작하세요!

Webix 다운로드

JavaScript UI 라이브러리를 사용하는 고객 프레젠테이션

Customer showcases js library Bonard Tito Saragih Progect Manager at Gnusa
Customer showcases js library Marie-France
Software Designer and Engineer at AVT
Customer showcases js library David Sutton A single developer and IT Director at Compounder’s International Analytical Laboratory
Customer showcases js library Rainer Ross Developer, owner
Customer showcases js library 28 Malte Sussdorff A developer, an Agile coach, and a Scrum trainer
Customer showcases js library 27 Akhil Singh Head of Product Development and Customer Support at OptiMantra
Customer showcases js library 26 Robin Fisk The CEO and product manager of the Donorfy
Customer showcases js library 26 Rudi van Wyk A data scientist at the Intenda company
Customer showcases js library 25 Andreas Schindler The CEO of the company Schindler IT
Customer showcases js library 24 Marcilio Cortes Developer, startups founder
Customer showcases js library 23 Martin Zevenbergen Consultant for Dynamics AX, founder of the Engasy startup
Customer showcases js library 22 Johan Van Veldhuizen Consultant for Dynamics AX, backend developer at the Engasy startup
Customer showcases js library 21 Tom Tenaglia The host of The Empowered Entrepreneur Show, the start-ups' developer
Customer showcases js library 20 Igor Fabo The director of an IT department of the Fornetti company
Customer showcases js library 19 Hatem Hamad Software developer of the Old World Computing company
Customer showcases js library 18 Jana Bonig Marketing manager
Customer showcases js library 17 Doug Averch The CTO and owner of the U2logic software company
Customer showcases js library 16 Marco Caldas Cruz Developer team leader at Golden Belt platform
Customer showcases js library 15 Olivier Vidal Founder of Melkal company
Customer showcases js library 14 Michael Shrading PHP full-stack developer
Customer showcases js library 12 Tore Hvidegaard CEO of 3dbyggeri
Customer showcases js library 11 Emmanuel Onah Web developer at Cognovis GmbH
Customer showcases js library 10 Kiril Serebnik Development operation engineer at Lumissil Microsystems company
Customer showcases js library 9 Nikhil Sharma Full stack developer at Transportation | Warehouse Optimization
Customer showcases js library 8 Anders Rehnvall CEO and system architect at Eze System, Inc.
Customer showcases js library 7 Bernd Gewehr Head of department at Vössing Engineering
Customer showcases js library 6 Stefan Schweiger Head of Schweiger Consulting GmbH
Customer showcases js library 5 Jochen Funk Developer and business analyst
Customer showcases js library 4 Valeriy Kuznetsov Software Engineer
Yuriy Klyuch Glasslink 개발자
Johan Smith SFM BV의 대표
Sergey Kunitskiy 소프트웨어 엔지니어
Customer showcases js library Alexey Degtev Technical director at ArtHouseSoft

Gnusa company deals with system architecture, cloud infrastructure, security, and web application development.
Check out the whole case study.


  • Kanban
  • SpreadSheet
  • Query


Showcases example js library
I was looking for a platform that would be easy to develop, easy to integrate, flexible and accessible. Webix matched all those criteria, and that's why the choice was obvious for me.

Advanced Virtualization Technologies produce software that virtualizes old computers. It is a special virtual layer that allows existing software to run on the system without changing the hardware. Check out the whole case study.


  • Skin Builder
  • UI Designer UI Designer


Showcases example js library
The Webix support was just top. I got a fast response on any question.

Compounder’s Laboratory is a pharmaceutical testing lab, that tests drugs and medication produced by apothecaries. Check out the whole case study.


  • Kanban
  • UI Designer UI Designer


Showcases example js library
I found Webix a much simpler platform for one developer, and I was able to make a robust solution for our customers. It took me only a few months to develop and I am impressed.

Rainer is creating the fastest applications with the help of the Webix UI library, and his customers are happy with the results. Check out the whole case study.


  • Gantt
  • Kanban
  • Scheduler


Showcases example js library
The Webix blog is a very good source of information and the Webix forum also. When I use the forum, it takes 1-2 days and I have the solution.

Cognovis is a fully integrated open-source solution for translation agencies, that manages getting new customers, finding freelancers, invoicing, and translation management system software. Check out the whole case study.


  • Webix Jet
  • UI Designer UI Designer


Showcases example js library 28
We started with an open-source variant and realized you have a lot more features in the commercial product, especially with complex components.

Akhil liaises between customers and the development team at OptiMantra, a platform for the specialists of integrative medicine. Check out the whole case study.


  • Scheduler
  • Chat


Showcases example js library 27
What we like is that Webix is forward-thinking and uses the latest and greatest to solve the problems that everybody is trying to solve.

Donorfy is a specialist CRM for fundraising organizations. Check out the whole case study.


  • Kanban


Showcases example js library 26
We wanted to find a component that will help us get a good result quickly. We certainly didn’t want to spend a lot of time building it from scratch. We prefer to benefit from other people’s experiences!

Intenda company deals with software for financial services. They work with insurance providers and do business intelligence. Check out the whole case study.


  • File Manager


Showcases example js library 26
It seems to be the most powerful one at this stage and it responds to the nature of our customer’s business

Andreas delivers digital solutions with the focus on data analytics. Check out the whole case study.


  • Chat


Showcases example js library 25
Webix allows me to build the UI I need. For visualization, Webix does an excellent job

Marcilio is getting ready to launch his startup soon in Brazil. Check out the whole case study.


  • Pivot Chart


Showcases example js library 24
I like Webix, it’s very responsive, reliable, and well-documented.

Martin and Johan are working on the ERP system for team cooperation. Check out the whole case study.


  • File Manager
  • Kanban
  • Scheduler
  • Webix Jet


Showcases example js library 23
There are always ways to improve things, but we are still happy with Webix. If we had to choose again, we would still do Webix.

Martin and Johan are working on the ERP system for team cooperation. Check out the whole case study.


  • File Manager
  • Kanban
  • Scheduler
  • Webix Jet


Showcases example js library 22
Webix gives us full flexibility with the front end.

Tom is working on the launch of an automation platform for mobile text messaging. Check out the whole case study.


  • Chat
  • Webix Jet
  • User Manager
  • Query


Showcases example js library 21
The thing that attracted me to Webix was the speed with which you could create widgets, the depth of the documentation, and the customer service.

Fornetti is a company in Hungary, part of Aryzta. They are pastry manufacturers. The company produces and sells pastry to Kaufland, Tesco, Lidl, etc. Check out the whole case study.


  • Query
  • File Manager


Showcases example js library 20
I know there are many data tables on the market but Webix is better

Old World Computing is a data science consulting company. They provide their clients with organizational help, as well as training staff in the methodology or implementation of projects, and long-term support in joint projects and the development of specific software. Check out the whole case study.


  • UI library UI library


Showcases example js library 19
It’s very customizable. It’s very well-documented. And the UI is fast. These are the three things I love about Webix

Old World Computing is a data science consulting company. They provide their clients with organizational help, as well as training staff in the methodology or implementation of projects, and long-term support in joint projects and the development of specific software. Check out the whole case study.


  • UI library UI library


Showcases example js library 18
Data science is very complicated. Having a web app to show end-users how the result may look like or even use it for a full deployment makes it easy for data scientists to show how it works

U2logic deals with foodservice companies. The software assist them in dispatching, driver scheduling, driver incentive payroll, and warehouse employee administration. Check out the whole case study.


  • Kanban
  • Scheduler


Showcases example js library 16
The tool for me is one of the top 5. I’ve used a bunch of others. The easiest one to use is yours. There is a learning curve, but it does what it says and does it efficiently

Golden Belt is a SaaS solution that unites 10,000 users. It allows companies to integrate information of processes and activities, linking it with the roles and job descriptions of the positions, documents and policies, risks and controls, audit and process requests based on workflow. Check out the whole case study.


  • Gantt
  • JS Tree


Showcases example js library 16
It was incredible how short the code was to get the integration with our solution

Melkal company offers POS software. They provide management systems for traders and restaurants. Check out the whole case study.


  • Spreadsheet


Showcases example js library 15
Webix is really very fast, making the most of the possibilities of web browsers. I've never seen such a fast tool!

recruiting-systems.com is a solution for recruiters to manage their clients and companies. It includes a list of candidates, the data related to them, their qualifications, skills, their contacts. You can appoint a date for the meeting inside it and attach PDF files of their CVs. Check out the whole case study.


  • UI library UI library


Showcases example js library 14
For me Webix is the best tool I can find on the net at this moment, and I think that can’t be overtaken.

3dbyggeri provides digital solutions that make it easier for architects and engineers to work with building materials. Check out the whole case study.


  • Datatable


Showcases example js library 12
It’s quite easy to find examples and snippets in the documentation to figure out what to do. I like the concept of the forum, where you ask something regarding a specific problem and the customer support will answer and make a snippet for how it works

Webix is perfect for enterprise resource planning software.  Check out the whole case study.


  • UI library UI library
  • Webix Jet
  • File Manager
  • User Manager
  • Chat


Showcases example js library 10

Webix is our sole front-end JavaScript platform.  Check out the whole case study.


  • UI library UI library
  • Query
  • File Manager


Showcases example js library 7

Webix only, we are not using any other UI library. Check out the whole case study.


  • UI library UI library


Showcases example js library 9

IoT solution for remote monitoring and control of distributed equipment. Check out the whole case study.


  • UI library UI library


Showcases example js library 8
What I really like with Webix is that I got it right away.

Bernd Gewehr used Webix UI library for the creation of ERP system for construction supervising and projects managing. Check out the whole case study.


  • Kanban
  • File Manager


Showcases example js library 7
All in all, Webix has helped us to change the way we create solutions.

Stefan Schweiger used Webix UI library for the creation of Digital Document Flow app. Check out the whole case study.


  • UI library UI library


Showcases example js library 6
I was looking for some UI frameworks. The Webix page attracted me with the example where you implement the data table with a few rows of code. I gave it a try and I fell in love.

Jochen Funk used Webix Kanban for the creation of the app for the task and project management. Check out the whole case study.


  • Kanban


Showcases example js library 5
In my opinion, Kanban is one of the best and most popular Webix widgets. It helps manage projects quickly and efficiently. By the way, all my customers really like Kanban widget. It is very functional and quite easy to use. There are many implementation areas for this widget.

Webix allowed Valeriy Kuznetsov to create WizXpert, a cloud-based system for facilitating software development. The solution combines back-end, front-end, and hybrid mobile app development. Follow the link to see the whole showcase.


  • UI library UI library


Showcases example js library 4
The essence of WizXpert concept is very close to that one of Webix — high development speed, modularity, ready-made design. I think I managed to create a state-of-the-art, well-designed, and reliable product.

Myglasslink.no 은 고객에게 태그 기호의 실시간 인터랙티브 디자인 옵션을 제공해야 했습니다. Webix 기반 솔루션을 사용하면 최종 사용자가 4단계 마법사에서 서명을 디자인하고 주문을 할 수 있습니다. 사례 연구를 읽으세요..


  • UI library UI library


이 HTML5 프레임워크는 광범위한 UI 제어, 정기적인 업데이트 및 멋진 지원, 쉽게 확장하고 타사 js lib와 함께 사용하기 때문에 응답성이 뛰어난 UI를 구축하기 위해 모든 라이브러리 중에서 이것을 선택했습니다.

XL Reporting 은 MS Excel과 통합된 웹 기반 재무 보고 및 예산 책정 솔루션입니다. 프로젝트에 대해 자세히 읽어보세요..


  • UI library UI library
  • 피벗
  • 스프레드시트
  • Sidebar
  • Node.js/Nginx


JavaScript 프레임워크의 풍부함과 강점, API 및 팀의 품질, 신제품 출시 빈도에 대해 지속적으로 많은 감동을 받고 있습니다. 현재 당사의 솔루션은 다양한 HTML5 UI 확장뿐만 아니라 이 경량 JavaScript 프레임워크에 크게 의존하고 있습니다.

웹 응용 프로그램을 제어하는 프로젝트 스케줄링 및 워크플로우를 위한 새로운 GanttPRO 인터페이스 설계. 전체 사례 연구를 읽어 보십시오..


  • UI library UI library
  • Webix Jet


안전하고 시간에 민감한 프로토타이핑 패턴을 제공하는 JavaScript 라이브러리가 마음에 들었습니다. 애플리케이션 내에서 배치 부품의 코드 블록을 쉽게 이동할 수 있습니다. 따라서 설계가 개발 과정에서 변경되면 신속하게 코드를 조정할 수 있습니다.

ArtHouseSoft is the company engaged in the automation of control and supervisory activities. Check out the whole case study.


  • File Manager
  • Webix Jet


Showcases example js library
I would like to emphasize the low entry threshold and the presence of such a wonderful addition as Webix Jet.

스마트 웹 개발을 위한 무료 도구

Webix Jet은 컴팩트하고 우아한 코드 생성을 위해 동일한 구성요소(JS 컨트롤)를 조합하고 재사용할 수 있는 JavaScript 마이크로 프레임워크입니다.

Webix Jet 더 알아보기

JS 대시보드를 프로토타이핑하고 결과를 신속하게 미리 보고 소셜 네트워크를 통해 팀 구성원 또는 고객과 공유할 수 있는 유용한 도구입니다.

Code Snippet Try Now

몇 번의 클릭으로 웹 양식을 만들 수 있는 강력한 온라인 도구입니다. 필드 및 레이아웃을 결정하고 1초 안에 코드 양식을 자동으로 생성합니다.

Form Builder Try Now

사용자 인터페이스 스타일을 설정하고 원단, 탄탄함, 촉감 등과 같은 테마 템플릿을 사용하기 위한 온라인 웹 디자인 도구입니다.

Skin Builder Try Now